Thursday, July 16, 2009 got sweeter and busier

poor micah has a blog and no postings that he was even born!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

closer yet...

well, it's may 4th...and no baby yet. we are all on pins and needles. grandma gladie didn't a great grandson on her birthday may 2nd and so we'll just see if he picks his birthday before may 7th! last week at the dr. i was already 70% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated...that was at my 38 week appointment. he was also very active during the fetal movement test and my uterus was described as irritated...from his motions...but they said no worries he can come anytime. he's all good! may 5th is also my great grandmother harriet halvorsen's birthday. which would be baby's great-great grandmother. i have another appointment on wednesday the 6th...which is maria rene's birthday (rony's little sister)...she's also going to be his she'd love for him to come on her birthday. again we'll see...

Monday, April 13, 2009

anxiously awaiting...

well, hello...yes, i am nesting. and that includes getting baby boy no. 2 his own blog. now i will have hopefully been jotting down some things here...before his birth. i can't tell anyone about this blog yet because we are saving the name for a surprise. but i am just getting prepared now...while mateo sleeps and i have a few late night minutes to start.

i know the title isn't that original but it keeps it simple (i hope) for family and friends to find...

we are coming up fast on his induction date...but i guess we can only wait and see if we make it to may 7th. i have the feeling he's going to pick his own birthday. he's been quite active and keeping me awake. i think he's ready to come and meet everyone. but i hope for his health he'll wait a few more weeks.

at my last ultrasound a few weeks ago...he was 5 pounds 14 ounces...(+/-14 oz.) they say he was already just above average size for his gestational age. i can tell he's grown so much more already since i am increasingly more uncomfortable sitting and rolling over in bed and trying to bend over and put on shoes or any other number of fairly simple tasks.

well, that's all for now...